Gala of Cinema and Fiction in Campania 2013

This year the Cinema and Fiction Gala in Campania wanted to include the Web Series in the nominations. Being always attentive to the audiovisual sector and its evolution is our duty to propose to jurors equally interesting realities that are making their way exponentially and that allow the many young talents to be able to express themselves in the television sector with mini fictions made and then spread through the web. But the Gala of Cinema and Fiction does not lose sight of its mission which is to enhance the locations of Campania and this year we will launch a new competition linked to the “cinema and wedding” or foreigners who have chosen a location in Campania to celebrate their marriage, probably because they saw a film or a fiction from those places, can participate in the competition by sending a video of their wedding and our editorial team will make a selection among the best received.

The Special Prizes:
Special Fiction Actor Award of the year – Fabio Troiano
Special Rising Star Award – Francesca Chillemi
Special Rising Star Award – Simon Grechi
Special Award for Artistic Excellence – Giuliana De Sio
Special Best Journalist of the Year Award – Laura Delli Colli
Social Actress Special Award – Rosanna Banfi
Special Actor Award in Social Work – Paolo Conticini
Special Prize for Feminine Interpretation in Fiction ‘Caruso’ – Martina Stella
Special prize for film and television actor – Marco Bocci
Special Actor of the Year Award – Marco Giallini
Banca Stabiese Award Icon of the Mediterranean – Marisa Laurito


MMiglior Film – The interval by Leonardo Di Costanzo
Best Cinema Actor – Alessio Gallo (The interval of Leonardo Di Costanzo)
Best Cinema Actress – Francesca Riso (The interval of Leonardo Di Costanzo)
Best Fiction – An Imperfect Mother by Ivan Cotroneo
Best Fiction Actor – Luca Avagliano (Umbrellas by Riccardo Grandi)
Best Fiction Actress – Lucia Mascino (An imperfect mother by Ivan Cotroneo)
Best Web Series – Lost in Google by Francesco Ebbasta
Best Web Series Actor – Fausto Sciarappa (An imperfect mother by Ivan Cotroneo)
Best Web Series Actress – Female cast of An imperfect mother by Ivan Cotroneo (Alessia Barela, Vanessa Compagnucci, Anna Ferzetti, Lucia Mascino)


Daniel McVicar Actor, producer, writer and director
Federico Brugia Director
Fulvia Caprara Journalist La Stampa
Daniele Cesarano President Writers Associated with Cinema and Television (SACT)
Edoardo De Angelis Director
Enrico Magrelli Conservator of the National Film Archive, Deputy Director of the Bari Festival, Venice Festival Selector
Guglielmo Mirra Director of Teatro Diana
Tonino Pinto Journalist
Andrea Sartoretti Actor of Theater and Cinema
Pasquale Sommese Politician