Gala of Cinema and Fiction in Campania 2009

After the successful first edition of last year, the Gala of Cinema and Fiction in Campania is once again presenting itself as a showcase for cinematic and television production carried out in the area. For our part, once again, we asked our jurors to give an evaluation of the work done in the field of cinema and television by a series of productions in Campania, with the pleasant awareness of looking towards an artistic excellence and qualitative that would seem to have few terms of comparison in the productive panorama of our country. In this sense, in addition to being very fortunate to have some of the most important directors and producers in our country as interlocutors, we are pleased to be able to reaffirm, through our prize, how Campania is not only a great region of cinema and television, but that his work and development in this direction continues to refine and improve, despite the difficulties linked to the economic crisis and, above all, despite a competition from the other regions that is as aggressive as, obviously, stimulating.

For this reason we considered it opportune to take a few more steps: the industrial and educational vocation of our event, obliges us pleasantly to go beyond the horizons of art, focusing, this year on the search for the talents of tomorrow. A series of special prizes transcends the regional boundaries to go and see what happened in the world of national cinema and television, rewarding surprising young people. Moreover, this year, we wanted to start a collaboration with Suor Orsola Benincasa to put the students in direct contact with some very important professionals of the sector whom they will go to tell their ideas for possible films and fiction tomorrow through the tried and tested system of so-called ” pitching “.

An exam and a simulation that we hope will soon have a production outlet that can connect young people with the world of industries to protect the largest and most irreplaceable wealth that an industry can be and must have in order to be truly healthy and healthy. : ideas. Without these there is no future not only for cinema and television, but also for the entire nation system. And it is this field of young talents that we try to be able to stimulate and in a certain sense it is “to embrace” through our event: the hope is that at night in the wonderful setting of the castle of Castellammare di Stabia, it closes with a sunrise bearer of promises of wealth and development of the territory thanks to the commitment of the Italian and international audiovisual world

The Special Awards:
Special Award Film Region of Campania – Fortapasc di Marco Risi
Special producer award of the year – Carlo Bixio I Cesaroni, Tutti pazzi per amore, 7 vite
Best Television Actor – Giampaolo Morelliz
Best Television Actress – Benedetta Valanzano
Revelation interpreters of the year – Cast di Romanzo Criminale
Special Award to the Director – Umberto Carteni
Special Cinema and Literature Award – Enzo Decaro
Special Cinema and Fashion Award – Renato Balestra
Special Cinema and Theater Award – Maurizio Scaparro
Soundtrack Award – Peppino di Capri
Best Composer Award – Pasquale Catalano


The prices:

Best Film Award – Lo Spazio Bianco
Best Fiction Award – Un posto al Sole
Best Actor of Cinema Award – Libero De Rienzo
Best Actor of Fiction Award – Giampaolo Morelli
Best Actress Award in Cinema – Margherita Buy
Best Fiction Actress Award – Benedetta Valanzano


Valeria Casizzone Lawyer and Councilor for the Province of Naples
Daniele Cesarano President of the S.A.C.T. (Associated Writers of Cinema and Television)
Domenico Ciruzzi Lawyer
Felice Laudadio Professional journalist
Maria Liguori Publisher: Liguori publisher of Naples
Enrico Magrelli Author and Conductor
Mario Mazzetti Head of the cinema office Agis
Guglielmo Mirra Artistic director
Pasquale Scialo’ Teacher of History of Music and Ethnomusicology at Suor Orsola Benincasa of Naples
Salvatore Vozza Mayor of Castellammare di Stabia